조조하사의 Gaming Nexus☆

그래서 아마 이번주는 바쁠......예정...?
바쁠지 어떨지 모르겟습니다만 내일은 확실히 바쁘겠군요...

아 어서 크로노트리거 엔딩봐야하는데;;
시험 끝나고 뵙겟습니다만...시험 끝나기 전에도 중간중간 포스팅은 할지도..?
덧붙여 시험기간에 돌입했을 다른 학생들을 응원합니다 ㅎㅎ


How terrible week it is! This week, I'll do my math test and etc. test.
So i think I'll be buzy some day after today, but please let me write some tistory posting sometimes : )

The game ' Chrono Trigger ' I'd playing before, but now I don't play it. If I could see it's ending scene...

So, I'll go mathematics lab(aaabsolutely!! not my own lab), and solve some problem about the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Have a good today!
...and you, dying cats in front of tests, Be of a good cheer!