조조하사의 Gaming Nexus☆

돈 벌러가서 가정적 이유로 돈은 못 모으고 왔다더군요. ㅠㅜ..

같이 PC방에서 하룻밤을 꼬박 새웠습니다.
거진 뭐... 21시간 반 가량 PC방에 있았네요 ㅎㅎㅎ
거기서 아르마3도 해보고(주말 무료 시연이라. 찍지 못한 게 아쉽습니당ㅎ), 오랜만에 못했던 하스스톤이나 롤, 기타등등의 게임도 즐기고 나왔네요 ㅎㅎㅋ
이제야 멘탈이 조금 회복되는 느낌임다. 남은 시험 잘 칠 수 있을 듯...!

학술발표회를 이제 약간 준비하고나서 기숙사로 돌아왔는데 이제야 이쪽도 약간 진전이 있다는 느낌 ......ㅠ

이제 다시 일상으로 돌아가봐야겠네요. ㅎㅎ 시험 끝나고 게임포스팅으로 찾아뵈었으면 좋겠습니다. ㅎㅎ


A friend went to the Austrailia came back!!
He said he went there to earn some money, but the money used for his family.

We enjoyed games in PC and talked about his&my experience until his back. About 21 and half hours!

Since the ARMA3 was weekend free play, then I played it a little bit. and Hearthstone, Starcraft 2, SD Gundam Capsule Fighter, and mostly League of Legends-which I couldn't play in dormitory with not good Wi-Fi network.

Additionally, I felt heavily-stocked stress has been almost extinguished. Thanks for give a will makes me think 'I can do it', yeah.

After visit my homecity, I returned to my university and prepared for academic publication. Now it seems to be progressive.

I'll return to daily life. have a good day.