시험 종료... 이제 게이밍 타임!
조조의 Gaming Life/일상(Life)2014. 10. 29. 12:42
시험이 끝낫습니다 이힣히
아 마음이 평온하다 ㄹ히히히히힣ㅍ
이젠 학술발표회가 남았어여 히힣ㅎ히
The FUCKING First Exam is done and now real gaming time!!
lol It is vrey paecefull these dya hah
and so..
Next Thursday is the academic publication yeah~
Is anybody there? somebody help...
시험이 끝낫습니다 이힣히
아 마음이 평온하다 ㄹ히히히히힣ㅍ
이젠 학술발표회가 남았어여 히힣ㅎ히
The FUCKING First Exam is done and now real gaming time!!
lol It is vrey paecefull these dya hah
and so..
Next Thursday is the academic publication yeah~
Is anybody there? somebody help...