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[C&C : Tiberium Alliance](Diary) Merging suggestion from strong alliance

저번에 솔로지옥(!)이라 소개했던 웹게임이죠?
타이베리움 얼라이언스에서 친구들이랑 동맹해서 가볍게 게임하고 있으려니까, 아니나다를까 동맹 합병 제안이 날아왔습니다.
무려 저~기 위쪽 동맹에서요. 꽤 고랭크더라구요?
뭐 서버가 열린지 얼마 안된것 같긴 하지만...
C&C TA is an web game I introduced at previous posting to be a guild scale war game
While I play the game with my friends in our alliance, as expected, I received a merging suggestion from another alliance.
Even there was quite high-ranked alliance :) Although the server is opened a few days before.

<게임에의 영향을 줄이기 위해 아이디와 동맹 이름은 익명으로..ㅎ>
-For decrease the affect to the game,  ID and Alliance name to be anonymous.