다음주에 알바가 끝나네요 ㅋㅋ;;...
조조의 Gaming Life/일상(Life)2015. 1. 23. 17:08
Part-time work will be done in next week.
알바 시작하면 포스팅이 불어날줄 알았건만...
그게 아니었슴다 = _=ㅋㅋㅋ
듣기로는 부가세 신고가 다음주 월요일까지니까 하셔야 하는 분들께서 혹시 이 글을 보신다면 오늘부터라도 어여어여 서두르셔요잉!
월요일 국세청은 바쁘답니다 ㅎㅎㅋ
뭐 전 국세청에서 일하진 않지만...
While I do this part-time work, actually, I expected that my posting speed will be increase.
But It was only a dream ;/
Anyway, the surtax reportable term will be ended on next monday as I heard. If you need surtax report but you didn't, Now You Need to Hurry!! Today is Friday.
We are strongly expecting that Monday'll be busy day to report and pay the tax. Although I didn't work at NTS.