시험 예정이 슬슬 나오네요 ...
조조의 Gaming Life/일상(Life)2014. 10. 14. 01:15
다음 주 수요일 선형대수학
행렬식과 대각화의 폭풍이 기대됩니다
그리고 다음 주 목요일이 아마도 미분방정식.
슬슬 나오는군요, 중간고사 예정이.
슬슬 바빠질 때려나요? 밀린 과제도 해야되고 .....ㅠㅜ
아오 망할 교육심리과제..ㅡㅡ
I'm going down to the pool of examination..
Linear Algebra on wednesday of next week and probably Differential Equation at the next day...
I'm thinking about I'm confused with Determination and Diagonalization in Linear Algebra, but I also believe that I'll enjoy the test in this time again!
Slowly, the professors give me one and two notices about the exam..
and now.. Finally it is time to start some game about administrating my grade.
But.. HOW I CAN FINISH this FUCKING homework about Educational Psychology!?
행렬식과 대각화의 폭풍이 기대됩니다
그리고 다음 주 목요일이 아마도 미분방정식.
슬슬 나오는군요, 중간고사 예정이.
슬슬 바빠질 때려나요? 밀린 과제도 해야되고 .....ㅠㅜ
아오 망할 교육심리과제..ㅡㅡ
I'm going down to the pool of examination..
Linear Algebra on wednesday of next week and probably Differential Equation at the next day...
I'm thinking about I'm confused with Determination and Diagonalization in Linear Algebra, but I also believe that I'll enjoy the test in this time again!
Slowly, the professors give me one and two notices about the exam..
and now.. Finally it is time to start some game about administrating my grade.
But.. HOW I CAN FINISH this FUCKING homework about Educational Psychology!?