[게임음악] FTL-빛보다 빠르게 플레이어의 귀를 사로잡다
[Game Music] Faster Than Light(FTL) - Catching player's ears faster than light
※이 티스토리의 주인장 조조하사는 무단으로 입수한 게임관련물 등을 티스토리에 올리지 않습니다. 티스토리에 올라오는 모든 수집품은 구입하거나 정식 루트를 통해 얻은 것임을 밝힙니다.
*It's Vjjo, who is manager of this Tistory. I don't write post with my unlicensed contents of games. In this nexus, all contents and souvenirs are all purchased or got from legal routes.
- bp_FTL_01_TitleScreen.mp3
- bp_FTL_02_MilkyWayEXPLORE.mp3
- bp_FTL_03_CivilEXPLORE.mp3
- bp_FTL_04_CosmosEXPLORE.mp3
- bp_FTL_05_DeepspaceEXPLORE.mp3
- bp_FTL_06_DebrisEXPLORE.mp3
- bp_FTL_07_MantisEXPLORE.mp3
- bp_FTL_08_EngiEXPLORE.mp3
- bp_FTL_09_ColonialEXPLORE.mp3
- bp_FTL_10_WastelandEXPLORE.mp3
- bp_FTL_11_RockmenEXPLORE.mp3
- bp_FTL_12_VoidEXPLORE.mp3
- bp_FTL_13_ZoltanEXPLORE.mp3
- bp_FTL_14_BONUS_Federation.mp3
- bp_FTL_15_MilkyWayBATTLE.mp3
- bp_FTL_16_CivilBATTLE.mp3
- bp_FTL_17_CosmosBATTLE.mp3
- bp_FTL_18_DeepspaceBATTLE.mp3
- bp_FTL_19_DebrisBATTLE.mp3
- bp_FTL_20_MantisBATTLE.mp3
- bp_FTL_21_EngiBATTLE.mp3
- bp_FTL_22_ColonialBATTLE.mp3
- bp_FTL_23_WastelandBATTLE.mp3
- bp_FTL_24_RockmenBATTLE.mp3
- bp_FTL_25_VoidBATTLE.mp3
- bp_FTL_26_ZoltanBATTLE.mp3
- bp_FTL_27_LastStand.mp3
- bp_FTL_28_Victory.mp3
- bp_FTL_29_BONUS_Horror.mp3
Faster Than Light 공식 사운드트랙(Official soundtrack)
01_Space Cruise (Title)
02_MilkyWay (Explore)
03_Civil (Explore)
04_Cosmos (Explore)
05_Deepspace (Explore)
06_Debris (Explore)
07_Mantis (Explore)
08_Engi (Explore)
09_Colonial (Explore)
10_Wasteland (Explore)
11_Rockmen (Explore)
12_Void (Explore)
13_Zoltan (Explore)
14_(BONUS) Federation
15_MilkyWay (Battle)
16_Civil (Battle)
17_Cosmos (Battle)
18_Deepspace (Battle)
19_Debris (Battle)
20_Mantis (Battle)
21_Engi (Battle)
22_Colonial (Battle)
23_Wasteland (Battle)
24_Rockmen (Battle)
25_Void (Battle)
26_Zoltan (Battle)
27_Last Stand
29_(BONUS) Horror
FTL의 묘미 중 하나가 또 음악이지요.
이벤트 페이즈에서는 Explore BGM이 흘러나오다가 전투에 돌입하면 음악이 끊기지 않고 자연스럽게 Battle BGM으로 넘어가는게 인상깊었던 FTL플레이.
실제로 Explore BGM과 Battle BGM은 음악 자체의 흐름도 비슷하고 플레이 시간도 똑같습니다.
처음 이 사실을 알았을 때 Civil (Explore)랑 Civil (Battle) 무한반복하면서 비교했었던 적이 있었죠. 그땐 영 다른 음악인 줄 알았는데.
오랜만에 FTL이나 해볼까...
Music is also an interest of FTL
Event phase, we can hear FTL's explorer BGM. but as we jump into battle phase, music connects to Battle BGM without cutting off. I felt it's quite fresh.
It's real, Explore music and Battle music have same play time.
I remember repeating Civil (Explore) and Civil (Battle) and Comparing the two musics at first time I realized the truth. I've thought that two musics are very different as playing.
There was a long term. Today I'd like to play FTL...