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조조의 Gaming Life/일상(Life)2015. 3. 10. 10:50
These are my own goods brought from my home
-My board games are waiting to see light in the darkness.
보드게임 종류는
Below are board game list
다빈치코드(Davinci Code)
클루(랑 똑같은 게임) (A game Clue-like)
My game controler joined my gaming family :)
-They are Touhou comic books. Well, I found that a lot of new comic books have been publicated.
과외 구하고나면 걔들도 사고 블리자드 소설들도 사고...헤헿ㅎ
After have some student, I'll buy the new Touhou comic books and Blizzard novels.
이제 더 들고올건 당장은 없어보이네요!
ㅎㅎ 경상대 라이프의 시작을 알림다 + ㅁ+
I brought all of my necessity for now! start of my GNU life here!
<어둠속에서 빛을 기다리는 보드게임들(중2병?)>
-My board games are waiting to see light in the darkness.
보드게임 종류는
Below are board game list
다빈치코드(Davinci Code)
클루(랑 똑같은 게임) (A game Clue-like)
<PC게이밍 대열에 합류한 컨트롤러 ㅋㅋ>
My game controler joined my gaming family :)
<동방 맞습니다. 랄까 책이 또 많이 나왔더라구요?>
-They are Touhou comic books. Well, I found that a lot of new comic books have been publicated.
과외 구하고나면 걔들도 사고 블리자드 소설들도 사고...헤헿ㅎ
After have some student, I'll buy the new Touhou comic books and Blizzard novels.
이제 더 들고올건 당장은 없어보이네요!
ㅎㅎ 경상대 라이프의 시작을 알림다 + ㅁ+
I brought all of my necessity for now! start of my GNU life here!